New York Minute: The Green Berets I’ve been more excited about New York Minute and the character of Will Kane than anything in years. I wrote and rewrote this book from the heart. The characters are real to me—and that’s what this book is about: character. I was thinking about...

What If You Know The Moment Of Your Death?

First Fig What is more valuable than money? Time. That was the premise for Burners, one of my favorite books. After all, we’re already seeing the discrepancy in life expectancies between the rich and poor grow. As we move forward and expensive medical procedures,...

Invasion would be better titled Evasion

Invasion I tried. Sort of. After watching the first couple of episodes I did the rest of the series in fast forward mode, stopping every now and then when it seemed like something might actually be happening. Which wasn’t often. I finally got to Episode 10 and watched...

Publication Day: Shane and the Hitwoman

Shane and the Hitwoman Today is the day. This was a labor of love for the characters from Agnes and the Hitman. It also helps resolve the relationship between Shane and Agnes. And introduce new possibilities. And it brings in a new character, Phoebe, the hitwoman, who...