What You Need To Know About Food for Survival

While water is more important than food, it is also more readily available than food. What do you need to know? Do you know what expiration dates mean? How much food you should have and what kind? What happens to you when you begin to starve? How long can you last?...

Area 51: Interstellar Publication Day!

The latest in the Area 51 series is out today: AREA 51: INTERSTELLAR, and it’s a bit different than the earlier books. Someone who hasn’t read any of the other books can pick this one up and get right into the story. By the end, it loops back to the end of...

Happy 197th Birthday, Hiram Ulysses Grant

Happy birthday to my fellow West Point alum, Sam. The story of his name change is just one of many rather interesting facts about Grant’s early years before the Civil War. For more: Ulysses S. Grant: The Early Years from Bob...