by Bob | Nov 28, 2020 | 2020 Pandemic
Only 2 of 50 states are not in red condition for COVID-19. We’ve had almost a complete year to deal with this virus and have failed completely. We’ve worse than failed. Many Americans, including key leaders, still insist there is no real problem. The deadliest place...
by Bob | Nov 23, 2020 | 2020 Pandemic
I’m putting these three together. They seem common sense, but then again. I’ll discuss fire further on in more detail. Task Nine Mild: Drowning Prevention Checklist Always monitor young children when bathing. Insure your dishwasher and washing machine are off when...
by Bob | Nov 22, 2020 | 2020 Pandemic
Hand in there. We’ll get to the exciting stuff soon enough. To prevent choking and suffocation There’s a reason certain toys are designated for certain ages. What a child can put in their mouth, they will put in their mouth. When putting babies to sleep make sure...
by Bob | Nov 21, 2020 | 2020 Pandemic
I know these tasks about the home seem mundane and not as sexy as learning to start a fire with a box and piece of wood, but I emphasize the things you’re more likely to deal with first. The most likely threats. It is more likely for children to be seriously...
by Bob | Nov 20, 2020 | 2020 Pandemic
When we think survival, we picture someone out in the wilderness in a pine tree lean-to, but we spend most of our time in our home and it’s easy to overlook what we can do to make that environment safer. It is far more likely, in fact a given, that you will experience...
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