The Unit Meets Warehouse 13

That’s the way I pitched Nightstalkers. First three books only .99 all of February. When I was flying around with my team in black helicopters, we wondered who the other guys flying around in them were? Nightstalkers are the elite Special Ops unit that take care...

The Ancient Enemy Has Arrived

Area 51: Invasion is free today, 12/17 and tomorrow 12/18. The Ancient Enemy has arrived. A Swarm Battle Core is orbiting Earth preparing for the Reaping. The remnants of mankind desperately try to either survive or fight back. But they aren’t certain what they’re...

The US Naval Academy Was Founded Because of a Mutiny

And it wasn’t the Caine. I went to the Military Academy, founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1802. Although Jefferson tended to be anti-military, he accepted the need for a standing army. And if the nation was going to have one, he felt it should be officered by a...

What if Caesar Went to His Death Willingly?

It’s a bit difficult to believe that Caesar had no idea about the plot against him. Intelligence was critical for survival in ancient Rome, especially given that there was no police force: order was kept by strength and to wield that, one required knowledge. Why...