Every Author is Different based on the Three P’s

Product, Platform, Promotion. We all rate differently on those three, therefore any writing advice we get has to be factored through our own personal situation. One size does not fit all. I call my book on writing a Toolkit because I don’t believe there are any...

Your Voice as a Writer: Point of View

Honestly, this is the hardest topic to discuss or teach. For example, I wrote New York Minute in omniscient, translucent, single character. Right. Got it? What I mean is I wrote in omniscient voice, which is different than third person, but following only one...

The State of Publishing and Quitting Writing

I’ve seen a number of posts lately with writers dismayed at the state of the industry and their careers. Which actually, I’ve been hearing ever since I got into this business. Not much new except for the details. It’s always been hard. I’ve...

A World-Wide Pandemic?

The Hot Zone was a #1 bestseller when it came out in 1995. It also got me thinking. When we deployed overseas one of the things our team medics had to study and brief the rest of the team on was the medical threats in our area of operations. I was on my sixth Dave...