The Rule of Seven for Disasters

Several years ago, I became very interested in a television show titled Seconds From Disaster, which aired on National Geographic. Over the seasons it covered just about every plane crash and numerous other disasters. And I noticed a startling commonality. No plane...

What Can We Learn From Past Disasters To Prevent Future Ones?

This is the premise of Stuff Doesn’t Just Happen: The Gift of Failure. Two books, each one focusing on seven great disasters of the past. Have we learned from them? What can we learn? Every disaster usually involved seven things happen. Six cascade events and...

When Should You Not Trust Experts?

Passenger on British Midland Flight 92 reflecting on hearing the pilot announce he was shutting down the right engine: “We were thinking: ‘Why is he doing that?’ because we saw flame coming out of the left engine. But I was only a bread man. What did I know?” We put...

How To Prepare for and deal with Wildfires

As Australia is learning, wildfires are extremely dangerous. We had one here in the Smokies a couple of years ago that killed a bunch of people. Driving through not long after, you can hardly see the damage to the forest; but you can see the houses that burned. It...

Key Documents You Need To Scan, Upload and Keep in One Place

When I was updating The Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide I read a lot of action reports and interviewed people who’d survived disasters, whether they were natural or man-made. From wildfires to earthquakes to hurricanes, to toxic chemical release...