When I was updating The Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide I read a lot of action reports and interviewed people who’d survived disasters, whether they were natural or man-made. From wildfires to earthquakes to hurricanes, to toxic chemical release requiring evacuation– the gamut.

One common refrain, besides the gear they wished they’d had on hand and had ready for evacuation in the Grab-n-Go bag, was the documents that they needed and/or lost.

If you had a house fire, would you be able to reconstruct key documents? Would you have a copy of your home owners insurance handy? Medical information?

From those interviews and reports, I compiled a list of key documents we all need to scan, then upload to the cloud and keep on a thumb drive, somewhere not our home. Also, keep these documents in a fireproof portable lock box you can grab if you need to evacuate.

This is from The Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide

All the checklists from the book are free to download in mobi, epub or pdf format on my web site HERE.

If you have any suggestions about what else should be on this list, please let me know.