Got your attention? Sadly, if you’re reading this, I’ve probably had your attention.
I despair of the stupidity and willful ignorance in this country. We will have the worst death percentage among First World Countries because of the pathetic and uncoordinated response. It didn’t need to happen, but the ship has sailed. It’s too late. We dismantled so many programs that could have helped or even prevented this over the course of the past three years, no matter what propaganda and spin you’re hearing.
If you live in those states or have relatives there, especially older ones, please try to get them to understand the gravity of the situation. I live in Knoxville, TN and am watching with dismay as people go about life with just minor inconveniences.
I just put together a couple of our garden boxes. Also sorted our emergency supplies. Not just to know what we have, but in large plastic bins if it should reach the point of bug out. We’re quite a ways from that; or we should have done it already. We didn’t because we can shelter in place indefinitely. We would actually be more at threat if we left. I’ll post a blog in a week or so about when its time to “bug out” but no place is there, not even NYC. Actually, if people in NYC bug out now, and I’m sure some are, they are bringing the virus with them. So don’t.
Actually, it’s pretty much everywhere. We just don’t know because so few people have still been tested. Remember when the VP said we’d have a million tests by the end of the week? How many weeks ago was that?
As far as the surgigal mask goes, here’s a tidbit. There’s an upside. The one with the wire, which you bend around your nose. I’ve seen people wearing them upside down.
Sort of like “Front toward enemy” on a Claymore. Here’s the official spiel:
How to put on a face mask
- Clean your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer before touching the mask.
- Remove a mask from the box and make sure there are no obvious tears or holes in either side of the mask.
- Determine which side of the mask is the top. The side of the mask that has a stiff bendable edge is the top and is meant to mold to the shape of your nose.
- Determine which side of the mask is the front. The colored side of the mask is usually the front and should face away from you, while the white side touches your face.
- Follow the instructions below for the type of mask you are using.
- Face Mask with Ear loops: Hold the mask by the ear loops. Place a loop around each ear.
- Face Mask with Ties: Bring the mask to your nose level and place the ties over the crown of your head and secure with a bow.
- Face Mask with Bands: Hold the mask in your hand with the nosepiece or top of the mask at fingertips, allowing the headbands to hang freely below hands. Bring the mask to your nose level and pull the top strap over your head so that it rests over the crown of your head. Pull the bottom strap over your head so that it rests at the nape of your neck.
- Mold or pinch the stiff edge to the shape of your nose.
- If using a face mask with ties: Then take the bottom ties, one in each hand, and secure with a bow at the nape of your neck.
- Pull the bottom of the mask over your mouth and chin.
How to remove a face mask
- Clean your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer before touching the mask.Avoid touching the front of the mask. The front of the mask is contaminated. Only touch the ear loops/ties/band.Follow the instructions below for the type of mask you are using.
- Face Mask with Ear loops: Hold both of the ear loops and gently lift and remove the mask.
- Face Mask with Ties: Untie the bottom bow first then untie the top bow and pull the mask away from you as the ties are loosened.
- Face Mask with Bands: Lift the bottom strap over your head first then pull the top strap over your head.
My son reported San Diego had a minor earthquake. Here’s a thing to consider in the midst of this. What other problems could crop up? I joked about a plague of locusts and someone pointed out Africa is experiencing that. Next? A river turning red? I’m sure it’s happening somewhere. I’ll post on doing an Area Study either tomorrow or the next day.
PLEASE! Take this virus seriously. Stay safe.
The Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide. Also now in Kindle Unlimited.
The Green Beret Pocket-Sized Survival Guide (same as above, minus the preparation part in order to be smaller in print)
The NY Times has dropped its paywall for information about COVID-19, Coronavirus. Click HERE to go to it. Also, The Economist has dropped its paywall for information about COVID-19 and it does a very good job drilling down on various aspects.
Totally agree, the uncoordinated handling of this event will be the cause of it lasting way longer than necessary. Ignorance and willful stupidity pretty much sum it up for me. There’s a reason I like animals more than human beings, LOL, because they’re generally smarter and a whole lot more selfless.