There are two aspects to this– how far you want to go. And how much your spouse will let you put in there.
To the left is my beast, which is loaded with enough gear to live off of for a couple of weeks. Of course, my wife never drives it and tries not to look in it. I was stopped crossing the border from Canada to the US because the dog alerted on it. As soon as they saw all the dog hair from Cool Gus, they knew it wasn’t drugs, but they still tore it apart.
Most people spend a considerable amount of time in their car, whether it’s a road trip or a daily commute. What can you do to prepare and make traveling safer?
Unlike in the Walking Dead, gas has a shelf life. It begins to break down and is worthless after roughly three to six months. Gas with higher levels of ethanol breaks down more quickly.
You can add STA-BIL fuel stabilizer to gas you store or to gas power equipment you don’t use often. The manufacturer claims it will keep gas usable up to two years. I think a year is pushing it. I rotate the gas in my emergency supplies quarterly and add Sta-Bil each time.
Carrying a battery powered siphon device is a smart move, as well as saving you inhaling gas through a hose.

I use Rotopax to carry extra gas, water and supplies. Their flat shape makes them easier to place on or inside your vehicles.
The rack on top of my Jeep holds two 2 gallon Rotopax equipment holders (holding the equivalent of a GnG bag) and a 4 gallon gas can. I have a 3.5 gallon gas rotopax on my rear tire holder along with a two gallon water rotopax can. The PVC is six inch, cut and sealed on each end. One carries food and water packets and the other my straps for my winch.
A comprehensive list and links are at the end.
Rotopax 2 gallon water can
Rotopax 2 gallon equipment holder
FuelPax 4.5 gallon gas can
Rotopax 3.5 gallon gas can
Diesel lasts longer than gas, six months to a year.
An emergency 12 volt jump starter is an extremely useful device. Not only will it start your car if your battery is dead, it also is a power supply you can use in a pinch for your cell phone.
Have a little hammer/cutter device that allows you to smash open your window and cut loose from your seat belt in case the car goes into the water. Place this device within easy arms reach of your seat. There are also spring loaded car window breakers. They’re called LifeHammers.
Besides your car Grab-nGo bag, here are some items you should have in your vehicle:
(It might be easier for many of these items to purchase a pre-packaged roadside emergency kit such as first listed).
Task Thirty-Two
Mild: Car equipment checklist
Pre-packaged Roadside emergency kit (shown below and check the site to see what it holds)
This contains some of the items below—full list follows.
2 bottles of water
Fire extinguisher:
Driver’s license, proof of insurance, insurance company contact number
Cell phone charger cable
First Aid kit: Adventure Med Kit Weekender:
Reflective warning triangles:
Flashlight with red warning flasher
Blanket and Emergency bivy sack:
Life Hammer:
Ice scraper
Work gloves
Flat tire inflation canister:
Road maps as already designated under GPS/Maps

Walking shoes/boots and socks as already designated
Keychain pill fob with extra medication:
For the actual checklist with links, along with many other survival checklists, go to Survival Flipbook | Bob Mayer
Last, but not least, a good dog or two is always useful
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