If disaster struck, whom would you want at your side, helping you? A doctor? Lawyer? Policeman? Teacher? While they all have special skills, I submit that the overwhelming choice would be a Special Forces Green Beret. Are you Prepared?
S – Size up the situation, your surroundings, yourself, and your equipment. U – Use All Your Senses; Undue Haste Makes Waste R – Remember Where You Are V – Vanquish Fear and Panic I – Improvise V – Value Living A – Act Like the Natives L – Live by Your Wits, But for Now, Learn Basic Skills In Special Forces we’re taught that the word SURVIVAL provides you with the first letters of the keys you need
The Three Stages of Disaster Mild Disaster: Do you know what to do if you were snowed in for a few days? Or the power was out? Moderate Disaster: Can you survive being stranded in your car for several days? An extended power outage? Extreme Disaster: Are you ready for a large Catastrophe?
Simple rules of: You can go 3 minutes without air. You can go 3 hours without regulated body temperate. You can go 3 days without water. You can go 3 weeks without food. PRIORITIZE ACCORDINGLY
Do you have a plan in place and the Equipment ready to Deal with disaster? Clothing Footwear Grab & Go Bag Survival Gear
Can you make an A-Team? In a Catastrophe who can you count on? I am not a fan of picking strangers for your survival team (Rick learned this!). The level of trust needed, especially in an extreme emergency, is very, very high. One way to figure out your team: Ask yourself: do I trust this person, these people, with my life?
One of many Things You’ll Need Grab & Go Bag Know how much you can carry Plan your gear based on situation and environment— conduct an Area Study now. Have several bags Car, Home, Place of Work Pre-Pack Food, Water, Tools, Tent, Sleeping bag, Fire, Flashlight, Ziplock bags, Gloves, I.D., Weapons Make sure its water-repellant if not waterproof
No matter how hard it gets, Never quit! A survivor must have: Above all a determination to survive. All else is secondary. Fear serves a purpose, but too much fear can paralyze.
Okay. Let’s Take a Break! Overwhelmed? We all are. That’s why I’ve written my survival manuals Step by step, common sense, guides to everything that just overwhelmed you. So you can become prepared via one, easily accomplished, checklist at a time. We can do it!
More Free Information I constantly update free, downloadable slideshows like this on my web site for preparation and survival and other topics. www.bobmayer.com/workshops Also, I conduct Area Study workshops for those interested in properly preparing for their specific circumstances.
A free slideshow on this topic and many others about interesting history, survival, writing and other topics is on my web site at www.bobmayer.com/workshops
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