Will it finally cool off a bit? Labor Day weekend looms. Fall beckons.
On a more serious note, because you know me, here’s a link to a free slideshow on how to deal with hot weather. As a side note, do you know which way your room fan should be turning in hot weather and then in cold? One of the many tidbits in Life’s Little Black Book. (Summer blowing down, winter up)
As usual, deals. Shane and the Hitwoman is in Amazon Prime Reading until December which means if you are a Prime member, you can read it for free. It’s also in Kindle Unlimited, where you get it for free, but I actually get paid, but, you know, whatever. Phoebe and the Hitwoman comes out in November. Lost Girls is also free today and the next couple of days. Several new Area 51 titles are discounted to .99 or Kindle Unlimited.
Out at the end of this month is New York City Little Black Book. Lots of fun writing that, learning more about my hometown.
With Labor Weekend ahead of us, one special note. If you’re going to be out on the water, please wear your life vest. Just having it nearby isn’t good enough. It’s like having your seat belt off, but knowing its nearby. The very nature of an accident is that it is unexpected. I wrote about how I learned that the hard way while kayaking the Little River in TN after a storm. HERE.
Have a great Labor Day weekend.
Nothing but good times ahead!
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