I’ve had a new version of The Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide out for some months now. But given recent events, I wanted to beef up the section I already had on Pandemics with information on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) So I wrote a section, added it to not only that book, but the Green Beret Pocket-Sized Survival Guide on 29 Feb, and uploaded.

Then I learned one or two new things, such as how to use gloves and taking zinc tablets and added those on 2 March.
Both books, both print and ebook versions, are now live with the very latest.
Which allowed me to do a blog post yesterday afternoon with the excerpt and also get information out there.
This is the advantage of being an indie publishers and understanding all aspects of publishing, from the idea for a book, through writing it, outsourcing editing and covers, formatting, uploading and promoting. All in an hour or so.
That is the advantage of the internet. This is not only for eBooks, but print-on-demand allows me to update my print books at the same pace.
I’ve been writing and publishing for three decades. I’ve seen all aspects of it from traditional to indie to hybrid to publishing with Amazon Imprint. I ran my own publishing company for a while, Cool Gus, and learned a lot from the other side of the desk. The learning curve is steep. I’m still learning. For example, I’m spending more and more time with Amazon Marketing Services, adjusting my targets and ad on an almost daily basis. Gone are the days of writing the manuscript and shipping it off to the publisher.
Being an author, regardless of platform, is a dynamic process, not static. The core of it, the writing is eternal. The mode to get that writing to the consumer, the reader, is ever-changing.
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