Area 51: Modern Myth? Or Something Else?

Area 51 I first heard of Area 51 in the early 90s. My ex-wife was an Army helicopter pilot and deploying across the country with her unit to the National Training Center in southern California. She mentioned how they had to divert around the airspace west of Nellis...

Which Came First? Chaos or Intelligence?

Draft opening of Earth Abides as I pick up the manuscript after being away for a few days house hunting. I’ve always found I have to start from the beginning whenever that happens. It gets me into the story. I view it like juggling: I have to pick up the...

The Ancient Enemy Has Arrived

Area 51: Invasion is free today, 12/17 and tomorrow 12/18. The Ancient Enemy has arrived. A Swarm Battle Core is orbiting Earth preparing for the Reaping. The remnants of mankind desperately try to either survive or fight back. But they aren’t certain what they’re...

Earth Abides and Hell of a Town

The pre-orders for my next two books: Area 51: Earth Abides and Hell of a Town are now live. While they’re set for June 2020, both books will be out earlier and the live date will be moved up as I get closer to completion. I’m excited about both books....

Swarming Area 51?

There is a movement afoot for people to gather and “swarm” Area 51. It started as a Facebook joke but has since taken a life of its own. I’ve been out to the Area 51 vicinity a couple of times. Once with a film crew from the Syfy Channel. The show...