How To Get Started Preparing for Disasters

I saw a question about this on Quora and it got me thinking, because there’s so much information out there and it can be overwhelming. Where to start? What’s the first step? Especially for someone starting cold. Here’s what I’ve come up: The...

Off The Grid Superstack

This is a stack of close to $700 worth of information, courses, and other material bundled together for less than $50. Yes, I purchased one because there’s a lot of good information in it. It’s available for only one week starting today, 9/10. There is...

Survival 3: Do You Have ICE On Your Phone?

Make sure everyone has an ICE (in case of emergency) phone number on their cell phone. Android users running 7.0 or higher can program emergency information and contact details through the emergency call screen when the device is locked. On the iPhone go to your...