Clear and Present Danger?

Great title, eh? I listened to Mary Higgins Clark speak one day and she said a title must invite the reader into the book. It seems so obvious now, but when I was a newbie writer, I didn’t know this, nor did I focus on it. As my wife and psychologist will tell...

Idea Is Not Story

I often see writers who are concerned about someone stealing their idea. The problem with that is that every idea has been done. I know there’s always someone who thinks they have a truly original idea that has never been thought of in the history of mankind,...

Writers and Their Better Halves– Don’t Do This

Writers tend to be insecure people. Don’t believe me? I don’t think you do. Why not? Seriously? Geez. But we can learn to be better. The two videos in this post are prime examples of what NOT to do. The first illustrates an important rule: What not to gift...