I hope everyone is staying safe through the end of 2021. Sadly, Omicron has made an appearance and the next two months will be tough. Not just in terms of the pandemic but all medical emergencies. I’ve scaled back my outdoor adventures a bit because now is not the time to show up at the hospital with an injury. I had eighteen stitches back in October after I took a spill on the mountain bike; of course, after the accident I finished the remaining 15 miles of the ride, because, hey, I was out there.
My latest title and follow-on to Agnes and the Hitman is Shane and the Hitwoman and it’s only .99 for the new several days. Since Agnes was named one of the top 100 Romances of the decade I thought it might be a good idea to follow it up. Shane isn’t exactly a romance but it has got plenty of snark. So far, readers seem to be enjoying it based on the feedback. If you want a fun, fast-paced action book to read, give it a shot.
The first five books of the Area 51 series are only .99 all of December. I do plan another Area 51 book in 2022. However, the first out will be Phoebe and the Traitor, the follow-on to Shane. Then Shelter from the Storm, another Will Kane book.
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
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