The glass is half full, and there’s a crack in it. Sadly, we’re seeing a surge in infections in a number of states that have relaxed their pandemic protocol, such as it was. We have no Federal protocol; no coordinated Federal response; no Federal rushed production of PPE. We’ve only got ourselves.
I’m putting the standard hurricane preparation information below, but you need to factor in COVID-19. If you are evacuating, how to do you protect yourself and your family? Do you know where you will be staying? Do you have enough gas to get you there? Can you disinfect after gassing and if you have to stay in a hotel room? If going to be with relatives, do your families have a way of isolating from each other? There are many elderly people in Florida and this all has to be taken into account. If you’re going to the local shelter, be aware they will become hot spots for the virus and make your decision based on that. The best thing. Evacuate as early and as far as possible as possible.
That sounds so simple, yet just today I read an article while researching about a family killed because they refused a mandatory evacuation for Hurricane Sandy. Their house had been robbed when they evacuated previously and they didn’t want that to happen again. What happened this time makes a robbery look like such a not bad thing. Hurricanes, unlike tornadoes, move slowly. So you will have warning and time to get away.
Most of the preparation for a hurricane you’ve already done in preparing your house. There are some special actions you can add:
Board and tape windows. Plywood is best for covering window. For taping, use alligator tape, not duct tape. Masking tape is not useful.
Fasten your roof down to the house with tie down straps. Really long ones. You need to have these on hand before the hurricane is coming.
Turn off gas and/or propane.
Clear away debris that can be picked up and smash into the house and windows.
Secure all outdoor furniture. If you have a pool, put the furniture into the water.
Make sure your garage doors are closed.
Looking at the deaths from Hurricane Sandy, over half of them were from falling trees/limbs. Make sure the trees around your house are properly trimmed and if old and unstable, pay to have them removed. It’s worth your life and your family’s lives.
As the storm approaches, turn your freezer and refrigerator to their coldest settings.
Pack any coolers with as much ice as possible. Use them first instead of opening the refrigerator door. If you grew up like I did, your dad was always yelling at your for opening the fridge door anyway.
Fill bathtubs with water.
Make sure all vehicles are topped off.
Know where the closest shelter is for you and for your pets.
If you have to evacuate leave a note saying where you are going.
Unplug everything before leaving.
Turn off electricity, gas and water.
After the hurricane passes, beware of flooding.
Use flashlights or chem lights, never candles.
Do not use tap water after the storm until you are sure it isn’t contaminated.
If you did not evacuate and it strikes, then you are in tornado mode:
Underground is always best for a shelter. Those areas that are prone to tornadoes have designated shelters. If your house is in a tornado area, you should have a room, a neighbor’s house with a room, or a shelter already decided upon.
If a shelter is not available, go to the basement of a building. Stay away from windows and glass. Cover yourself with a mattress, cushions, blankets or a sleeping bag. Look around you for objects that could be blown over and don’t be in their path if they fall.
If stuck in a building with no basement, go the lowest floor and the smallest room near the center of the house. Or under a stairwell or in an interior hallway with no windows. Bathrooms are good because you have pipes in the wall which help strengthen them and you can lie in the bathtub. Lie on the ground, face down, and cover your head with your hands and arms. If you have a strong table, take cover under that. Cover yourself with cushions, blankets or a mattress.
Stay in your safe place until well after the danger has passed. Have your GnG bag with you with your survival radio so you can check in to the National Weather Service.
When you do leave your shelter, be careful. Avoid power lines and water that might be touched by power lines. Stay clear of buildings as they still might collapse. Avoid using open flame as it’s likely there are gas leaks.
Tomorrow I’ll post the documents you need to take and also scan and upload into the cloud.
The Green Beret Pocket-Sized Survival Guide (same as above, minus the preparation part in order to be smaller in print)
The Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide. Also in Kindle Unlimited.
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