I’m a big fan of SOPs—standing operating procedures. These are ones I received from a reader, Fred, and I think they make sense
- When coming back home, try not to touch anything
- Take out your shoes
- Disinfect the legs of your pet, if you were taking it outside
- Take your clothes off, and store them in a washing bag. If possible, clean with water at 60ºC or higher.
- Leave purse, backpack, keys, etc. in a box at the entry of your home
- Take a shower. If you cannot, wash all your exposed areas
- Clean your cell phone and googles with soap and water, or alcohol
- Clean the surfaces of what you brought from outside with bleach before storing it (bleach to be diluted 20ml in 1 liter of water / 80ml in a gallon)
- Take your gloves off and wash your hands
- Remember that it is not possible to make a total disinfection, goal is to reduce risk.
- Sleep in separate beds
- Use different bathrooms and clean with bleach
- Do not share toiletries and utensils
- Clean and disinfect high contact surfaces
- Wash clothes, linens and towels frequently
- Keep your distance, if possible in separate rooms
- Air the rooms frequently
- If fever 38º or higher and problem to breath, contact emergency services by phone
- No to break quarantine for 2 weeks. Each time you go out of your home restarts the counter.
- Wear long sleeves jacket
- Arrange you hair and eliminate earrings (you will touch your face less)
- If you have a mask, wear immediately before going out
- Try not to use public transport
- Try that your pet does not touch surfaces outside your home
- Bring Kleenex with you and use them to cover your fingers when touching surfaces
- Discard used Kleenex immediately
- If you cough or sneeze, do it in the inside of your elbow, not on your hands or the air
- Try to pay contactless. If using cash, wash your hands.
- Wash your hands immediately after touching anything outside home, either with soap and water or alcohol
- DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE until having clean hands
- Maintain distance with other people
The above were translated but you get the gist. Pretty much follows what we do here.
Another thing based on my own recent surgery and talking to doctors—if someone gets sick and needs an ambulance, have all their medications in a labeled bag. Include contact info, blood type, allergies, etc. Because you will not be allowed to go with them.
It’s difficult to type one handed while lying on my side but I’m limiting upright time as much as possible.
PLEASE! Take this virus seriously. Stay safe.
The Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide. Also now in Kindle Unlimited.
The Green Beret Pocket-Sized Survival Guide (same as above, minus the preparation part in order to be smaller in print)
The NY Times has dropped its paywall for information about COVID-19, Coronavirus. Click HERE to go to it. Also, The Economist has dropped its paywall for information about COVID-19 and it does a very good job drilling down on various aspects.
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