Wildfires, hurricanes, COVID-19, and more.
2020 has not been the best of years and it’s not over yet.
The Green Beret Pocket-Sized Survival Guide is the survival portion of the larger Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide. It’s what I have in both our cars and in our Grab-n-Go bags.
The kindle version is free today, 8/27 through Saturday 8/29. Technically, the kindle version is pocket-sized in that it can go in your kindle app on your cell phone. If you get it, make sure you take the extra step to download it to your library! Otherwise you might not have cell phone coverage or Wifi when you need it and its not there.
The print version is indeed pocket-sized.
A survivor of a hurricane that hit Galveston told me how important it was to be prepared and knowledgeable after her experience. A couple of things she confirmed:
Never let your gas tank get below half. When the power goes, there’s no more pumping gas.
Make sure have sturdy shoes in your vehicle.
Needed more bandages in the first aid kit as there was a lot of debris and broken glass.
Needed to get their chainsaw sharpened and keep ready.
Do you know the Rule of Three?
Do you know what to do right away in an emergency/accident? That’s one of the first thing in the pocket guide.
Essentially the pocket guide is the back half of The Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide. It doesn’t have the preparation portion because of space.
Stay safe!
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