Remember, many of us don’t have phone numbers memorized. We rely on the address book of our cell phone, but in an emergency, that might not work, you might not have your cell phone and have to use someone else’s, or, in emergencies, there are many other reasons to actually have these numbers, at the very least, written down.

Make sure everyone in your household has an ICE (in case of emergency) phone number on their cell phone.

Android users running 7.0 or higher can program emergency information and contact details through the emergency call screen when the device is locked.

On the iPhone go to your Health App, which looks like the one above.

  1. Launch the Health app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the Medical ID tab.
  3. Tap Edit in the upper right corner.
  4. Tap Edit Medical ID.
  5. Under Emergency Contacts tap Add emergency contact.
  6. Select a contact from your list.
  7. Select a relationship.

You can add as much information as you like on this app in the appropriate places. Think about it. If you were found unconscious and your phone is locked, could anyone contact someone who would need to know? Would medical personnel know your blood type and allergies?

To access it, when the passcode screen comes up, you will see emergency in the bottom left of that screen. Tap that and you will get a phone dial screen; on the bottom left it will say, in red, Medical ID. Tap that and you will get all the pertinent information.

You need the following numbers written down in your purse/wallet and next to your landline (yes, I know many don’t have them any more, but they still work!):


WEAR A MASK. Give a damn about people!

The Green Beret Pocket-Sized Survival Guide (same as above, minus the preparation part in order to be smaller in print)

The Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide. Also in Kindle Unlimited.