The Latest Exciting News From Bob Mayer

The Latest Exciting News From Bob Mayer

In the latest news, my wife and I have completed our move to Maggie’s Farm in west Tennessee, about 40 miles outside of Memphis. We’re out in the country and have a few acres and I even opened the barn doors this morning to do something. Yes, barn doors. The core of...

On Writing and the Business of Writing– some thoughts

Writing I recently read an essay about exposing MFA students too much to the business of publishing and being a writer. The theory put forth was that too much of that could stifle a student’s creativity. It was titled On Writing and the Business of Writing, so...
The Writer’s Little Black Book Published Today

The Writer’s Little Black Book Published Today

In celebration of the publication today of The Writer’s Little Black Book, the first book in the series, Life’s Little Black Book is only .99 on Kindle and in Kindle Unlimited. The Writer’s book contains over 100 mistakes writers tend to make and how to fix them, in...

Write It Forward: from writer to successful author

The publishing business makes little logical sense. That’s because it’s part of the “entertainment business.” The first word, entertainment refers to emotion, while business refers to logic. Trying to explain how publishing works to someone...