Nine Eleven (Time Patrol) is FREE

Nine Eleven (Time Patrol) is free until the 12th. Each of my Time Patrol books consists of six mission on the same day in different years. While the most significant 9-11 year is 2001, there is a mission that year, but it has nothing to do with events in the United...

Tsar Bomba– the biggest man-made explosion ever.

I tend to go for superlatives when researching. When my wife and I are watching some documentary, I’ll inevitably say: I wrote about that! In my Area 51 series I essentially rewrote the entire history of mankind and added in how vampires came about, because...

15 March 1917: The Last Tsar Abdicates

This might be the most significant event of the 20th Century. Tsarist Russia was gone, replaced by Communist Russia. Part of the momentum behind Hitler’s rise to power was the battle against communism in Germany. The Cold War. And on and on. To the present day....