Write It Forward: from writer to successful author

The publishing business makes little logical sense. That’s because it’s part of the “entertainment business.” The first word, entertainment refers to emotion, while business refers to logic. Trying to explain how publishing works to someone...
Conflict is the fuel of Story

Conflict is the fuel of Story

While we usually want to avoid conflict in real life, in fiction, it is what drives the characters and story forward toward the climactic scene. When I do workshops, the first thing we do is get the author to say the core idea of his/her book in one sentence. That can...

The Idea is the seed of your novel

I’m in the process of updating all my slideshows on writing the novel and got the first four done: Idea, Conflict, Plot and Point of View. More are in the pipeline. These are free, downloadable slideshows. Since they’re standing on their own without me...

When an artist gets discouraged remember this . . .

There was a young girl who wanted to be a violinist. She practiced hard for many years. Finally, when she was a teenager, her hero, a famous violinist, a master, whom she modeled herself after, was coming to town for a concert. The young girl attended the concert and...
How to Write and How to be a Writer

How to Write and How to be a Writer

The two are somewhat different. There are lots of writing books out there. It seems after a certain number of years writing, each author tries to capture the essence of their craft and art. I first did this in the early 90s, which, yikes, is a while ago. My first...