A free slideshow.
Information and actions that are critical to survival. Water, snakes, hiking, first aid and more. Tidbits of information that can save your life.
by Bob | Dec 2, 2020 | Survival | 4 comments
A free slideshow.
Information and actions that are critical to survival. Water, snakes, hiking, first aid and more. Tidbits of information that can save your life.
Hello Mr. Mayer,
Much appreciate all the info you put out there. I got your survival book back in June and it’s been eye opening, so thank you.
I’m finally reaching out though because I was hoping I could get some advice regarding my 10 yr old’s ambition to be an author. My Wife & I really want support this further but not really sure how. His teachers haven’t been the best resource but still great people. I haven’t purchased any of your fiction books as I don’t really read fiction anymore besides what my Son & I read together, but am curious if some of your books might be appropriate for a 10 yr old.
I’d greatly appreciate any insight and have provided my email address as I’d rather respond offline. Thank you sir…
I can send you a copy of the Novel Writers Toolkit. But really, at this point, the most important thing is reading a lot. That’s how I learned. Read both fiction and nonfiction.
Thank you sir. I’ll look into that and just have him continue reading.
I appreciate your time.
Not sure if you got my previous reply, but thanks for responding.
My Son gives his thanks as well.
Hope you and your Family have a wonderful & safe holiday to end a rough year. Here’s to hopefully a promising 2021.