by Bob | Mar 26, 2020 | 2020 Pandemic
There are many who think we’ll be okay in two or three months. Wrong. Two things to consider: The fact we have no coordinated federal response to COVID-19 means it will ripple across the country. As New York City flattens its curve, the curve will be shooting upwards...
by Bob | Mar 25, 2020 | 2020 Pandemic
Change is incredibly difficult. A little change brings discomfort. A lot of change brings fear. There is a very thin line between discomfort and fear. The more you are willing to face and conquer your fears, the further out you push that line and the more change...
by Bob | Mar 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
Saw this last night and passing it on. Very much worth watching. What coronavirus symptoms look like, day by day — Tech Insider (@techinsider) March 18, 2020 PLEASE! Take this virus seriously. If the government won’t do it, we...
by Bob | Mar 23, 2020 | 2020 Pandemic
We canceled our home delivery of the NY Times 2 weeks ago. My morning ritual used to be to walk down to the mailbox with Scout, our rescue dog, and get the paper. Pull of the plastic bag it was in and then scan the front page as I walked back to the house, then I gave...
by Bob | Mar 22, 2020 | 2020 Pandemic
Every training environment I was in, and every unit I served with in the Army emphasized leadership. From West Point, to Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced, Ranger, Special Forces Qualification, etcetera. Then in the Infantry and Special Forces as an Infantry platoon...
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