Which Came First? Chaos or Intelligence?

Draft opening of Earth Abides as I pick up the manuscript after being away for a few days house hunting. I’ve always found I have to start from the beginning whenever that happens. It gets me into the story. I view it like juggling: I have to pick up the...

The First Five Things To Do In An Emergency

Every situation is different and this is a guideline. Always make sure your priority is safety for yourself first, then others. You can’t help others if you don’t take care of yourself. First: Do a First Aid triage of yourself. Breathing. Bleeding. Broken. Are you...

The Ancient Enemy Has Arrived

Area 51: Invasion is free today, 12/17 and tomorrow 12/18. The Ancient Enemy has arrived. A Swarm Battle Core is orbiting Earth preparing for the Reaping. The remnants of mankind desperately try to either survive or fight back. But they aren’t certain what they’re...

Don’t Know What You Need To Be Prepared?

My review of the material available on being reasonably prepared for man-made and natural disasters uncovered a plethora of confusing and often contradictory information. It’s not because people are trying to deliberately be confusing, but rather because there...